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Potential Health Hazards of SO-CALLED “A2” Milk

The commercials for this stuff imply that it solves a problem LESS serious than “lactose intolerance.” The female narrator says “for years I thought I was lactose intolerant, but it turns out I was just ‘sensitive’ to a protein in milk.” The suggested solution of course is to use this “A2” brand of chemically-altered bovine secretions that has had some of the proteins in the cow’s milk artificially removed. OMG! HOLD UP! WTH! This is GROTESQUE MISINFORMATION! Lactose intolerance is caused by the loss of the intestinal enzyme that digests “lactose” which is the sugar found in mammal milk. This is a NORMAL condition for most adult humans and for most adult mammals! This only becomes a “problem” when adult humans attempt to do what they SHOULD NOT be doing and that is consuming milk (especially the milk of another species) as adults. By contrast, the so-called “sensitivity” the commercial refers to is in reality an IMMUNE SYSTEM-MEDIATED ALLERGIC REACTION to the foreign proteins in the cow’s milk! These type of immune mediated reactions can become very severe and in some cases can be life threatening. But in EVERY case, an immune-mediated allergic reaction is a serious, systemic illness! Allergic reactions to foreign animal proteins can possibly lead to autoimmune disease, inflammatory colitis or arthritis or other serious diseases. To glibly refer to such a reaction as just a “sensitivity” and imply it’s comparable to lactose intolerance is a GROSS MISREPRESENTATION! If ANYONE is found to be intolerant of the proteins in cow’s milk, the safest course of action would be for you to NEVER touch it again or anything made from it! [BTW, NO human being should be ingesting cow’s milk or its products for any reason at any stage of life anyway. Consumption of dairy products has been shown to be associated with increased rates of several diseases including breast, prostate and ovarian cancers; multiple sclerosis, acne, respiratory illnesses, constipation, type 1 diabetes and infantile anemia.]

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